Choose Acrylic For Your Shower Pan Installation

You have several material options to choose from when it comes to shower pans. However, make sure you don't overlook acrylic as an option. Acrylic is a highly powerful plastic that has many benefits and can serve as an excellent option for your shower pan. Discover some of the benefits this material option can afford you.


Cost is always a concern when it comes to home remodeling projects, and a shower pan installation is no exception. Tile is a popular option among many people; however, tile is not the most cost-friendly selection. Compared to acrylic, tile is considerably more expensive. If you need to install several shower pans in your home, the savings you gain from using acrylic will be significant. Additionally, since the acrylic is so durable, you can make a low-cost investment that will offer you long-term benefits. 


Acrylic can offer you a new installation that does not come along with a lot of extra work. For most people, low maintenance options are essential, since they have so many other obligations to take care of. Acrylic does not require much more than regular cleaning. There is no grout to use, and there are also no special cleaning concerns that come along with acrylic, unlike tile. However you clean your shower during the week is enough to maintain your acrylic shower pan. Since the cleaning is so easy, your acrylic will also look better. 

Moisture Control

Acrylic is a non-porous material. Whenever it comes to water, a non-porous surface is critical. A non-porous surface is one that does not have holes or other outlets that allow moisture to penetrate inside. As a result, you don't have to worry about moisture seeping deep into the acrylic and causing any damage, such as mold or mildew damage. A waterproof shower pain doesn't just increase the lifespan of your installation, but it can also help you avoid the health risks that come along with mold. 


Acrylic is also a material that takes on the temperature setting of the environment it is housed inside, which is the opposite of tile. If you've ever walked onto a tile floor and been shocked by how cold it is, you can expect much of the same experience with a tile shower pan. The temperature control offered by acrylic means that you can step into a shower that feels comfortable right from the start. 

Don't overlook acrylic as an option for your shower pan, as the benefits are long-lasting. Contact a local shower pan installation company that can assist you with your selection options. 
